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What are the most dangerous times to drive in Pennsylvania?

With students out of school and summer vacations in full swing, Pennsylvania roads are more crowded and possibly more dangerous.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has broken down traffic information by time, days of the week and months.

Data indicates May and June are the deadliest months for Pennsylvania drivers.

“When you add all those people on vacation, you add the extra teenagers on the road, that creates additional dangers,” AAA spokesman Jim Garrity said.

The second most dangerous time comes in September and October.

“In no time flat, it will be deer season, so we'll have fatalities from deer running out in the road and causing collisions,” Garrity said.


As for days of the week to keep in mind, Wednesday is the safest day to travel. Friday and Saturday are when the majority of deadly crashes occur.

The deadliest times are between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

“This time of the year, especially with more people on the road, you need to be paying attention because you need to be looking for someone swerving in and out of the lanes who may be texting and driving,” Garrity said.

The safest time to drive is from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.