
Police officer chases murder suspects through Las Vegas, shoots through windshield during pursuit

LAS VEGAS — It looks like something out of a movie, but it was real life when a police officer in Las Vegas was involved in a high-speed chase and had to open fire on the escaping vehicle.

The incident happened July 11 after a traffic stop. Police officers had tried to pull some men in an SUV over while they investigated a murder, KVVU reported.

The men fired on police as they drove through the streets. As Officer William Umana negotiated the turns, keeping up with the truck, he opened fire to try to stop the SUV, Fox News reported.

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The entire chase, and resulting gunfire, was caught on Umana’s body camera.

It finally ended when the truck crashed into a wall at an elementary school, Fox News reported.

Rene Nunez left the vehicle and tried to get into the school, which was locked. He was wounded in the shootout. He was arrested and is now facing charges, including murder, Fox News reported.

The passenger, Fidel Miranda, tried to move the SUV toward the cruiser, but police opened fire on Miranda, KVVU reported. He died at the scene.

Both Umana and his partner are on paid administrative leave until an investigation into the shooting is done, KVVU reported.