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Man uses sidewalks to send messages to drug users

PITTSBURGH — Strong messages aimed at drug users have been written on the sidewalks of a Pittsburgh neighborhood.

“Do not sell drugs on this corner,” one of them said.

The other said, “Pick up your needles please.”

The messages are spray painted along Romanhoff Street in Spring Hill.


Dennis Reitlinger put them there, he said, out of frustration.

“Up there at the park, you go down there, you see stamp bags down there,” Reitlinger said.

He’s referring to empty stamp bags of heroin. He said he’s also seen used needles.

“There’s so much heroin going on, it’s sickening,” he said. “They just leave their needles around and just mess up the place.

Reitlinger said his family and his neighbors shouldn’t have to worry about drug traffic just a few feet from their front doors.

“I have two young kids here and I didn’t want them playing with needles so I said, ‘Enough is enough,’” he said.

Reitlinger is hoping those who peddle drugs will notice his message and know they are being watched.

He said he and his neighbors have contacted police, but for police to make an arrest, they have to catch someone in the act.

As for the messages, Reitlinger said they will stay there until the dealers go away.