Social media warning | Never share this information on Facebook (or anywhere else)

You've probably heard that what you share on Facebook can come back to haunt you — hint: at your job — but there are more dangers associated with your online activity than you probably even realize.

Things you should never share on social media

So much information is shared online these days, it’s always good to do a check-in on your social media accounts.

It may not seem like a big deal, but crooks are finding new ways to get access to our info every single day.

First of all, get rid of anything that you don't want a potential employer to see.

On top of that, there’s certain information you should never share or have on your profile page. Here’s why: If criminals get their hands on the right piece of info, it could be all they need to steal your identity, money and wreak havoc on your life.

Plus, when it comes to protecting your personal information, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!