Ringgold: 'On the Town'

None — Ringgold High School will present "On the Town" by Leonard Bernstein, Adolphe Green and Betty Comden, at the high school auditorium.


1 Ram Drive, Monongahela, PA

March 1 and 2 at 7 p.m.

Show Dates:

March 3 at 2 p.m.


Tickets are $5 and available at the door.

Cast List:

Jared Hancock as Gabey

Walter Sloan as Chip

Eli Macugoski as Ozzie

Sarah Krempasky as Ivy

Haley Medola as Hildy

Olivia Meyer as Claire

Shannon Robison as Madame Dilly

Dom Ferrari as Pitkin

Emily Harger as Lucy

Caitlin Crall as Flossie

Emily Jo Grove as Flossie's friend

Anthony Bottino as S. Uperman

John Emricko as Rajah Bimmy

Samantha Middlemiss as Diana Dream/Dolores Dolores

Ethan Frankfort as Prof. Figment


Angelica Allen

Sarah Bagay

Jennifer Bickel

Brooke Bly

Ben Cafeo

Kerrie Dunham

John Ermlick

Jackie Harbison

Katie Huzway

Jonathan Lombardo

Erin McDonald

Olivea Rusin

Briana Ryan

Becca Sedlack

Hadassah Smith

Matt Toland