Things to do with your pal for National Friendship Day

Sunday is National Friendship Day, and although we still have to follow social distancing guidelines, you can still celebrate with your bestie!

We’ve come up with a list of things you can do with your friends at home and around Pittsburgh while still following safety measures.

Zoom/Video Chat

Enjoy the beautiful summer weather and get outside!

In the day of quarantine and social distancing, it’s always a great idea to catch up with friends who you haven’t been able to see in a while.

The best way to do this? Have a video group chat with your friends!

Go to the Park

There are tons of parks in and around Pittsburgh where you can go for a hike, bike ride or just have a socially distanced picnic with your friend.

Click here for other ways you can enjoy the nice weather.

Check Out a Unique Place in the Burgh

Pennsylvania is full of some cool attractions you might not have known existed, and many of them are very close to Pittsburgh.

Click here for a list of some cool places to check out, while you can still socially distance and enjoy despite restrictions that are in place.


It’s important to get up and get active, and what better way to do that than with a friend by your side to keep you motivated.

Take a walk on a trail or at the park, find a workout class or even do an at-home workout!

Get Takeout

Many restaurants in and around Pittsburgh are encouraging takeout and it’s the perfect way to celebrate National Friendship Day with your friends.

You can get your takeout and find a fun spot around the city to eat and catch up.

Cruisin’ Tiki Pittsburgh

Enjoy a relaxing and different way to catch up with your friends -- socially distanced, of course.

Cruise in a tiki boat on the Allegheny, Monogahela and Ohio rivers and see Pittsburgh in a unique way.


If you want to catch a movie with your friends, the drive-in is the perfect way to do this.

Grab some snacks and your bestie and head to a local drive-in to catch a new movie.

Grab Some Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

What better way to celebrate National Friendship Day than snagging a sweet treat.

For a list of ice scream spots in Pittsburgh, click here.