J.K. Rowling sent a fan in India some Harry Potter swag and the girl's reaction was priceless

Imagine having your favorite childhood author personally send you a package of autographed books, gifts and swag.

Such was the case for a 12-year-old girl in India named Kulsum.

Her teacher, known on Twitter Sabbah Haji Baji, tweeted last April asking for Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling to come visit the English-learning student.

She asked the teacher to direct message her the student's full name so she could send a her a package. Months after, the package arrived (apparently two-day shipping isn't really a thing in the Himalayan mountains). The teacher posted images of Kulsum opening Rowling's present.

Rowling didn't quite go that far, but her response was pretty amazing. 

Check out their Twitter conversation:

Just goes to show, a little good will can go a long way!

Now here's to hoping Junie B. Jones author Barbara Park sends me something soon.

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