Innovative library upgrade ready for Greensburg Middle School

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GREENSBURG, Pa. — Greensburg Salem Middle School students will return to class on Tuesday and will be coming back to an innovative library upgrade.

Brian Nymick, a technology teacher, said they are trying to keep up to date all while keeping their students learning.

"You know what you gotta keep it fresh, the kids they are bombarded with the latest technologies at home. We try to keep up with it as best we can,” said Nymick.

It's a new approach that can be seen throughout the school and in particular, the library.


It will still have books, but more importantly it's becoming a place of collaboration and has taken on the feel of a workplace according to Principal Adam Jones

"Students can come and kind of explore some ideas work in teams things that business are telling us that they want students to graduate with those skills even more so than just the reading and writing, arithmetic,” said Jones.

Some of the bookshelves were replaced by 3-D printers and laptops, and instead of playing chess students can build a chess set.

"Whatever it takes to draw them in, we're sales people, so whether we want people to move into our community and bring their families here, the kids to show up to school every day. It's giving them things to get them excited to be here,” said Jones.