Elementary School students hold ‘March for Peace' against street violence

PITTSBURGH — Students at Pittsburgh Lincoln Elementary School took a stand against violence Tuesday, holding the first-ever “March for Peace” through the streets of the Lincoln-Larimer neighborhoods.

The event, which was organized by fourth and fifth graders, was put in place to help promote peace and stop crime on the streets of Pittsburgh.


Hill said the purpose of the march was to show the kids that their voices would be heard on topics such as violence.

“Whatever change is in this community, it will start with them,” said Virginia Hill, principal of Lincoln Elementary.

March for Peace took place in celebration of Black History Month. They were joined by Mayor Bill Peduto, Superintendent Linda Lane and Pittsburgh Police Zone 5 officers, among others.

“Our role is to make sure they feel safe and they know them can come to the police and they can trust us,” said Cdr. Jason Lando of the Pittsburgh Police.

The peaceful protest hopes to bring awareness to these problems and make a difference for the community.