Fort Cherry School District deals with northern shrew infestation

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McDONALD, Pa. — District officials in the Fort Cherry School District went to great lengths to track down the source of a smell at the high school.

“My daughter said that one of their classrooms had to be held in a different room and ended up dismissing early that day,” said Becky Chiarelli.

Chiarelli said school let out early because the smell was so horrible and nobody could figure out where it was coming from.

The building was then inspected by a foundation specialist, heating and cooling specialists, environmental specialists and plumbers. Those inspections provided no answers.

The superintendent told Channel 11 the district tested for mold, mildew and water intrusion. All those tests came back negative.

Finally the culprit was discovered behind some classroom bookshelves. A northern shrew has built a nest there.

The superintendent said the issue has been taken care of, and at no point were any students or employees in any harm.

However, some students did contact Channel 11 to report having asthma issues they believed were caused by the rodents.

Classroom carpets will be replaced over Thanksgiving break as a preventative measure, according to the superintendent.