Indiana boy sells popcorn to raise money for his grandfather's medical expenses

GOSHEN, Ind. — A young Indiana boy is raising money to help pay his grandfather's medical expenses.

Owen Holmes' grandpop is waiting for a heart transplant and Owen is sharing his love of Shirley's Popcorn to get some extra cash for him. "We tried it and it's really good. I started out with the dark chocolate caramel," Owen told WSBT.


So when he found out his grandfather was going to undergo open heart surgery, "then it hit me I need to do something."

Owen has always had a strong relationship with his grandfather. "When I was younger, when I went to his house, he'd always make model rockets and we'd go launch them in the park," said Owen.

Owen's mom reached out to Shirley's Popcorn to see if the business could help make Owen's fundraiser idea become a reality. When they agreed, she posted about the fundraiser on Facebook and it has worked out better than anyone had hoped.

"When I first started, I was just hoping for just $100 and just give my grandpa a little check," said Owen. So far, he has raised about $300 and has a goal of $500.

Owen goes to Shirley's every day after school to pick up loads of popcorn to deliver. "I think this is totally awesome, what Owen is doing and how he came up with the idea. It's just great and he's doing an awesome job," said Karen Hackel, an employee at Shirley's.

Owen said he'll keep on fundraising with this popcorn until he reaches his goal. "I just hope we're able to make it through and I just hope he'll be able to make more model rockets again, so ... That's one of my biggest memories," said Owen.