Channel 11 gets action on ‘sidewalk to nowhere'

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PITTSBURGH — Earlier this year, Channel 11 News had a story about a sidewalk to nowhere. There was a finished intersection, but no place for neighbors to walk.

Thanks to Target 11’s initial report, that is about to change. Rick Earle reported Friday that the sidewalk repairs started just after the initial story aired.

Councilman Corey O’Connor reached out to the property owner, and got action.

On Friday, our Channel 11 News camera captured crews putting the finishing touches on the sidewalk near the intersection of Beechwood Boulevard and Brown’s Hill Road.

“I think it’s great that the neighbors reached out to you and you investigated and helped our office get this done,” O’Connor told Earle.

“Once we went in and redid all the sidewalks around it, nobody looked there. I think that was the big mistake when they were called out. They got the job right and fixed it,” O’Connor said.