Channel 11 takes customers skyrocketing electric bill concerns to Public Utilities Commission

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PITTSBURGH — Last week Channel 11 reporter Gordon Loesch told you about local people with skyrocketing electric bills.  On Monday, Loesch reported that he took their concerns to the head of the Public Utilities Commission.

Customers said they received skyrocketing electric bills for the month of January because they had switched carriers to one of the dozens of new suppliers that arrived three years ago when the state opened the market to competition.

Some offer what's called "variable rate plans," which can fluctuate depending on the market.

And because of this bitter cold winter, prices have jumped dramatically for those customers.

Many of them say, they were never told how the plan worked and that prices could skyrocket without warning.

"If there are egregious missteps by a supplier, whether it was bait-and-switch on the contract, lack of truth in advertising, we're going to find that out, and when we do, those suppliers won't be welcome to do business here," said PUC Chairman Rob Powelson.

The PUC has the power to revoke a license and hit the company with fines.  Those hit with ridiculously high bills are encouraged to call their supplier.   Some are getting refunds or rate rollbacks.

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