Don't test your luck: Police to enforce dry St. Patrick's Day parade

None — PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh police said people who are planning on attending the city's St. Patrick's Day parade downtown shouldn't try to drink alcohol along the route.

Officers said no booze is permitted along the parade route. If violators are caught, a zero-tolerance rule is in effect that will send the offender to the Allegheny County Jail.

People who stay after the parade will be permitted to celebrate in Market Square starting at 2 p.m.

"Market Square will still have open container law in effect from 2 to 6 p.m. You'll be allowed to drink in the square. It will be the same type of party we have every year and the hours are the same as last year," said Rick Faust, manager of the Original Oyster House.

Before 2 p.m., bar-goers must stay inside of the establishment or on the sidewalks in front of the business.