A moment of clarity: Mom with Alzheimer's tells daughter ‘I'm lovin you' [VIDEO]

Georgia resident Kelly Gunderson cares for her mother who has Alzheimer ’s disease. She says she often sings or talks to her beloved mom, hoping to get a moment of clarity.

When she decided to take a video of her mom while lying in bed with her, she didn’t know she would capture that moment on tape.

Gunderson told Today.com, “I had been taping her, just asking her questions or singing, ‘Jesus Loves Me,’” Gunderson said. “That morning, I was just lying in bed with her, and we were just talking, and I decided to do a selfie video.”

Watch what happens next:

About 40 seconds into the 90-second video of the two lying in bed, Gunderson asks if her mother recognizes her.
