Oh baby! Polar vortex leads to baby boom in Pittsburgh

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PITTSBURGH — Oh baby! The polar vortex has created a baby boom in Pittsburgh.

August is usually a popular month anyway for babies, but this year, even more so.

Doctors said people wanted to stay inside during the frigid nights, and that's now showing up in the delivery room.

"There's nothing else to do. What else are you going to do in the winter time?  We watch TV, drink some wine and the next thing you know, nine months later, we have another baby coming," said father Ryan Addeo.

West Penn Hospital expects a 20 to 30 percent increase in deliveries this summer.

"It has been very busy here lately," said Dr. Paul Weinbaum from West Penn Hospital.

Forbes Regional is bracing for a 16 percent increase in summer births.  Magee Women's Hospital also said it expects a baby boom.