Police: Kids removed from Troy Hill home went unbathed for months, had black mold on clothes

PITTSBURGH — Police said the home Lowrie Street home was in deplorable conditions with no hot water.

Investigators said the kitchen cabinets were locked and the children seemed so hungry that a sergeant from Pittsburgh police Zone 1 used his own money to buy them food.

Channel 11 News was there as Children, Youth and Family workers escorted the children out of the home. Police said the six kids, who range in age from 1 to 12 years old, all slept on the floor.

Police said the children were forced to use a curtain as toilet paper and black mold was found on their clothing. Officers said the cabinets in the home were padlocked and officials aren’t sure when the children ate or what they were able to eat.

Parents Mickole Persinger and Dean Payne were both arrested on child endangerment charges. Payne was taken to jail Monday night. Persinger had already been arrested two weeks ago on similar charges.

Channel 11’s Courtney Brennan reported that CYF was aware of the situation. Neighbors said they should have done more for the children.

“They deserve better,” Kelli Spiker said.

The kids are now staying with a family member, officials said.