Target 11 investigates: Your tax dollars paid for this?

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GREENFIELD, Pa. — Target 11 is investigating a taxpayer-funded sidewalk renovation project that was supposed to lead to a bus stop, but instead goes nowhere.

Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle reported your tax dollars paid for new sidewalks and handicap ramps at the intersection of Beechwood Boulevard and Browns Hill Road in Greenfield.

However, pedestrians are having a difficult time using one of those new ramps because it leads into a sidewalk that’s in such bad shape you can hardly tell it’s a sidewalk.

“Yes (it should be fixed), at least that part on Beechwood,” said an upset Galina Lisitsa.

Earle reported the city has even posted a no-pedestrians sign.

Target 11 received multiple complaints from residents about the condition the sidewalk. Upon further investigation, Earle uncovered cracked concrete, overgrown weeds and slabs sticking up out of the ground.

Earle took the concerns to Councilman Corey O’Conner.

“When you get onto certain properties, we lose jurisdiction,” O’Conner said.

According to O’Conner, the property owner is responsible for fixing the sidewalk. He said the city hasn’t been aggressive enough with this case.

“We haven't shed enough light on it that we need to go to them and say, ‘How can we partner because we did all this work and now we are stuck with one spot that nobody can walk on?’” O’Conner said.

According to Earle, since 2012, the city has received 739 complaints about sidewalks. During that same time, the city issued 846 permits for sidewalk repair.

The city will send letters to property owners requiring them to fix their sidewalks or face fines. O’Conner said he didn’t know if a letter had been sent in this case.

He said he’s instructed the city to reach out to the property owner and get the sidewalk fixed soon.