WEB ONLY: Taking a closer look at ice fishing in North Park

PITTSBURGH — Single-digit temperatures and wind chills well below zero have most people in the Pittsburgh region trying to stay out of the elements. However, some people are finding ways to enjoy the frigid weather.

One of those people is Wayne Lambing, who was out ice fishing in the lake at North Park this week.

“I’ve been ice fishing for a long time,” Lambing said. “Since I was a little kid, my Dad would take me.”

Lambing said safety is paramount when you're out ice fishing and he looks for areas that have several inches of ice.  The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission recommends at least 4  inches of ice to safely support one angler and gear.

Lambing measured about 10 inches of ice at his fishing spot.

He added dressing for the weather is also important for staying safe in these conditions.

“The big part is warm boots because you can see some places get slushy and I got spots over there that after you drill the hole, the water comes out of the hole and you end up standing in a couple inches of water,” he said.

Lambing said he primarily catches trout at North Park, but most of the time, he releases them.

“Sometimes it’s nice, you catch a fish and you can see it through the ice,” he said. “As you catch it, you can see it swimming around.”

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission also recommend ice fishing with a partner and letting others know exactly where you’ll be fishing and what time you expect to return.

Want to learn more about ice fishing? Visit the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's website.