Live stream: Trump delivers remarks on immigration

President Donald Trump will be joined by "angel families" Friday as he addresses immigration and border security.

"Angel families" are families whose loved ones were killed by illegal immigrants.

The president's remarks come amid continued questions over what's next for the immigrant children already separated from their parents under the administration's "zero-tolerance" policy, now that he's signed an executive order to stop further family separations.

On Thursday, Trump tweeted "we should be changing our laws, building the Wall, hire Border Agents and Ice and not let people come into our country based on the legal phrase they are told to say as their password."

The address also follows messages about revamping the nation’s immigration laws.  Congress voted down one measure to change immigration laws on Thursday, and delayed another measure until at least next week.

However on Friday, he tweeted "Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November."

USA Today is providing live coverage of the president's speech, which you can watch live at 2:30 p.m. ET in the player above.