Meghan McCain: Trump's rally line about her father is 'gross'

Arizona Sen. John McCain's daughter described a line about her father invoked by President Donald Trump at a Wednesday night rally as "gross.''

During the rally in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump again blamed McCain for the 2017 collapse of a Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

"We had a gentleman way into the morning hours, go thumbs-down," Trump said, according to a CNN report. "He went thumbs-down."

The president made the gesture for the crowd, but never mentioned McCain by name. McCain famously cast a deciding vote last year that prevented the repeal by gesturing with a thumbs-down on the Senate floor. McCain had returned to Washington for the vote after his diagnosis.

At Trump's Wednesday rally, a woman in the crowd twice shouted, "He's a war hero,'' after Trump's remark, according to CNN. Trump ignored her and moved to another topic.

Meghan McCain, the senator's daughter, responded on Twitter to a tweet about the moment posted by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman,  who noted the president has made this reference about McCain, "who is dying,'' at such events before.

"And it never stops being gross,'' Meghan McCain said on Twitter.

Meghan McCain, and the senator's wife, Cindy, have been outspoken defenders of the senator on Twitter during his battle with a deadly form of brain cancer. McCain, who has been in Arizona since late December, also continues to post opinions on Twitter, recently condemning the family separations taking place with undocumented migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border.