OnPolitics Today: Here comes Trump's pick

It's picking time for the president: Donald Trump is set to name his second Supreme Court nominee Monday night. Relishing the drama like the ex-game show host he is, Trump plans to reveal the pick in prime time from the White House's East Room. Stream it here at 9 p.m. Eastern.

It's down to at least four candidates, all appeals court judges and all quite conservative: Brett Kavanaugh (the establishment favorite), Thomas Hardiman (runner-up to last year's pick, Neil Gorsuch), Amy Coney Barrett (the religious one) and Raymond Kethledge (the underdog).

But Trump's pick, whoever he or she may be, must survive a Senate confirmation before reaching the Supreme Court. Get to know six senators who could stop the would-be justice, and find out how Trump's pick could help end Roe v. Wade.

They were aiming for Tuesday, and they won't make it: The Trump administration will miss a court-imposed deadline to reunite roughly 100 children separated from their parents under Trump's "zero tolerance" immigration policy. About 60 of the children — all under age 5 — will be reunited by that time, a Justice Department attorney said. And the government's task won't get any easier: A second deadline asks officials to reunite 3,000 older children in two weeks. The government plans to reunify children via DNA testing, raising questions about whether it could store their genetic info for later uses.

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Trump admin will miss deadline to reunite migrant kids

Trump, bound for Europe, packs NATO beef

Trump slammed NATO allies the day before a Tuesday summit, calling European partners cheap for not pitching in more for the collective defense effort. "The United States is spending far more on NATO than any other Country. This is not fair, nor is it acceptable," Trump tweeted Monday. He criticized Germany in particular, and complained that the U.S. pays "for 90 percent of NATO." It's actually 22 percent, in terms of direct contribution. Trump's seven-day swing through Europe will end with a one-on-one with Russia's Vladimir Putin. We have an an in-depth preview of the trip.

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