New state law allows officers to break into hot cars to rescue pets

SEATTLE — A new Washington state law goes into effect in July that permits police officers to break into hot cars to rescue pets.

The new law also ensures that police aren't liable for damages to the vehicle.


The U.S. Humane Society reports that when it is 72 degrees outside, it can get up to 116 degrees in a car within an hour.

Pets left in cars in hot weather are a serious concern in Washington as a heat wave builds expected over the weekend.

Once in effect, there will be $125 fine for leaving animals in a car when it is hot enough to harm them.

Leaving animals in a dangerous enclosed space could lead to felony animal cruelty charges.

Earlier this week, we told you about a couple from Georgia on a mission to get "Heat Kills - If you love 'em, don't leave 'em" signs everywhere.