North Hills students 'wake up' school spirit with lip dub video

PITTSBURGH — It’s spring time in the Pittsburgh area, which typically means high school seniors begin to develop what is commonly referred to as “Senioritis.” Symptoms sometimes include a lazy and dismissive attitude toward school work while daydreaming about the summer.

Instead of counting the days until graduation, the students at North Hills High School decided to raise school spirit with an awesome lip dub video to the song "Wake Me Up" by Avicii.

Check it out!

Also see:

Pine-Richland students produced this awesome lip dub video to the tune of "Best Day of My Life" by the band American Authors.

The students at Seneca Valley did a great lip dub video in November!

Another favorite of ours from April--Plum High School's 4th Annual Pittsburgh Penguins Lipdub.