Porch pirate arrested after trying to steal box too large for his car

SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, Fla. — Miami-Dade police arrested a man who they say went to extreme measures to steal a package off someone else's front porch.

The theft was caught on a doorbell camera. Police said he got away with a box worth more than $1,000.

The Ring camera started recording around 1:30 p.m. when a white car came off the driveway and onto the lawn. The driver hopped out, opened the back door and went to work trying to put the box inside the sedan.

But the struggle to steal is real.


In the video it appears he tries to move his seat up to get the box into the backseat. At one point he even drops his shoulder and throws his body weight behind it to jam it in.

Just as he jumped in the driver's seat, one of the homeowner's came out.

They told WSVN he got away with part of a patio furniture set worth about $1,200.

But the bandit left behind a crucial clue, enough for police to track him down.

According to police, Jeremy Palacio, 33, was arrested on suspicion of stealing the package. They said Palacio confessed to the theft after he was arrested for another crime.

Palacio faces charges including third-degree grand theft.