Powerball winner surprises stranger with gift card

NEW BERLIN, Wis. — A Mother's Day trip to Target ended up with a big surprise for a woman in Illinois when a young man approached her and offered to give her a $200 gift card. The man said he had won a $768 million Powerball jackpot last month and wanted to "give back."

People across the country saw Manuel Franco, 24, claim his Powerball win, except Nicole Domitro. Franco used to work at that Target store.


Domitro was looking for Pull-Ups at a Target store in the Chicago suburbs when Franco approached her. "He said, 'I'm Manuel Franco, I was the Powerball winner in Milwaukee and I wanted to give you this gift of $200 for Target, a Target gift card.' He was very kind. I kinda started asking him questions because I wasn't really sure," Domitro told WISN.

Domitro has two small children who occupy her time and said she doesn't watch much television, "unless it is kid TV, so I didn't know there was a Powerball winner."

She said that Franco told her others had refused the gift card because they thought he was trying to scam them. She's glad he kept trying and said, "I could very easily spend $200 at Target but my husband and I talked about it and we're actually going to be gifting it to another family that we know who we think could benefit from it. Not like a struggling family, but they have a baby coming and we think it would be a very cool blessing for their family."