Study finds plastic chemicals leaching into fast food

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Is there plastic in your hamburger?

A new study links a dangerous chemical from plastics to fast foods.

While most of us are aware that fast food is not the healthiest option, a new study by the CDC found people who eat a lot of fast food have higher levels of hormone disruptors in their system.

The hormone disrupter can cause infertility.

It's because some of the chemicals used in packaging and food processing can leach into what you're eating.

It's been linked to reduced IQ and behavioral problems in children exposed in the womb.

It can also raise the risk of diabetes in women and children.

The National Restaurant Association and the American Chemistry Council are working together to review the study.

They say the chemical levels found are "well below" the levels the Environmental Protection Agency deem likely to increase health risk.

CDC researchers argue the EPA's set limit is outdated.