Church organist charged with stealing thousands from safe

James Hackett

NEW CASTLE, Pa. — A church organist in Lawrence County is accused of stealing money donated by parishioners.

The church, and police, busted him right after a Sunday service by following him.

According to New Castle police, the man took a couple of turns and then went right back to the church.


James Hackett was a volunteer, but is accused of paying himself for his Sunday performances, unbeknownst to anyone else until now.

Investigators said he was stealing from his own church, St. Joseph the Worker on Cascade Street.

The Catholic church noticed missing money from church offerings and did an internal investigation.

When the church got police involved, officers set up a sting. With marked money, a hidden camera, police caught the suspect.

When confronted, officers say James Hackett had $1,200 on him, confessed, and said he's been doing this since November, three Sundays a month.

Police believe he took $10,000 to $15,000.

He is now in jail.