First snowfall leaves some Pittsburgh streets a mess

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The winds are whipping and the streets of Beechview are shining on Friday afternoon.

“It was pretty scary, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to get my kids to school,” said Anthony Gittens.

This snowfall was Gitten’s first in Pittsburgh and he was surprised by how well clean up went in his neighborhood.

Over in Brookline, it was a different story.

“Late last night they were doing a good job putting down salt and making sure the roads were clear,” Gittens said.

“I would have at least thought they have gotten the hill. I can understand the back roads, but I would have thought they’d at least have gotten this one,” said Troy Newton.

Newton struggled to get to his house Thursday night.

“It was about 9 last night. I was coming down Capitol, I live over the hill. I couldn’t get any traction and just had to slide here and walk home from here,” Newton said.

Now, it’s been more than 20 hours since the first flakes and the roads are still covered.

We called the city to see what was being done about the problem but were told no one was available to talk.

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Mayor Ed Gainey did post to multiple social media platforms.

“We’ll be working hard today evaluating snow treatment plans, gearing up for projected Snowfall Sunday. We look forward to continuing to make improvements to better serve you,” Gainey stated on Twitter.

While the mayor tweets, the residents have a message for him.

“Hopefully, we are in the plan. I know there is other stuff going on, bigger fish to fry but it would be nice to not slip and slide down the hills,” Newton said.