Parents, students address district officials about recent curriculum change at local school

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The room was packed in the Fox Chapel School District with parents demanding answers about plans to cut time spent in gym and art classes.

Parents told Channel 11 they came in to Monday night's meeting upset and left feeling somewhat validated.

They say their demands haven't fallen on deaf ears and they feel better knowing teachers are now a part of the proposed plan.

Parents and students in the Fox Chapel Area School District called on the school board to reconsider proposed changes at Dorseyville Middle School.

"I don't think that they should be trying to fix something that's not broken," said Serena Smith, a senior at Fox Chapel Area High School

One by one, they asked school board members to reconsider adding more math and science classes in place of reduced gym and art classes.


The board announced they're moving forward with the proposed plan, but now they're authorizing the superintendent, district office and administration to continue to work on it.

The board president told Channel 11 there will likely be modifications and it's not a done deal just yet.

"This is not an authorization of the curriculum change," said Terry Wirginis, president of the Fox Chapel Area School Board. "That occurs at meetings later on in the spring."

He believes students will benefit in the long term.

MaryBeth Dadd, who has a second-grader and sixth-grader, says this marks progress, along with a petition signed by more than 800 parents that successfully slowed down the process.

"I was pleasantly surprised that I finally feel like the parents have been heard," she said.

It's unclear when a final plan will be put in place.

The board will likely have to review and vote on it as well.