Wealthiest ZIP codes: The highest-earning communities

There are 17 ZIP codes in the Pittsburgh region with more than 10 percent of households earning more than $200,000. There are seven that top 20 percent.

>>PHOTOS: The wealthiest zip codes in southwestern Pennsylvania.

The Business Times looked at the most recent available Census data for ZIP codes with populations above 2,500.

See the full list of the top 50 in the Pittsburgh Business Times.

Do you live in one of the region's wealthiest communities? Well, if you live in the North or South Hills or the city's core, the answer might be yes.

  1. 15367 Venetia
  2. 15090 Wexford
  3. 15241 Upper St. Clair
  4. 15238 O'Hara, Blawnox, Harmar, Fox Chapel
  5. 15222 Pittsburgh (Central Business District, Strip District)