Powerball jackpot swells to $700 million; drawing only on Channel 11

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As the dollar signs grow, so does interest in Wednesday's Powerball drawing, which now has a jackpot of $700 million, the second-largest on record.

Watch the Powerball drawing live, only on Channel 11 at 11 p.m. Wednesday


If someone draws the winning numbers plus the Powerball number on Wednesday, he or she could cash out at $443.3 million.

The initial estimate after Saturday's drawing produced no jackpot winner was $650 million. That stoked more interest in the lottery game, pushing the jackpot even higher.

In Pennsylvania, tickets will be sold until 9:59 p.m. Wednesday, with the drawing at 11 p.m.

While $700 million is a vast amount of money, it's not even half of the all-time record Powerball jackpot of $1.6 billion from 2016, which is also the world record.