Snowmaking at full speed at Seven Springs, Hidden Valley

FAYETTE COUNTY, Pa. — Dust off those goggles and snow boots because snowmaking is running full steam ahead at Seven Springs and Hidden Valley resorts.

Officials with the resorts said with the cold temperatures now firmly in place, the snowmaking systems are running full bore and will run continuously for as long as conditions allow.

There’s a new chairlift in place at Seven Springs this season. The state-of-the-art Doppelmayr Alpen Star fixed grip quad chairlift replaced the existing Avalanche lift.

“Our new Doppelmayr chairlift will greatly improve our guest experience on the front face of the mountain allowing for many more runs each day,” said Joel Rerko, Seven Springs Director of Mountain Operations. “Travel time will now be only 4 Minutes, and 21 Seconds to the top; less time on the lift and shorter lift lines equal more time on the snow! We continue to be committed to our season passholders, homeowners and growing the sport as a whole. After an incredible winter last year, we cannot wait to unveil it on opening day!”

The New Avalanche Lift will increase uphill capacity from 1800 to 2400 people per hour and will unload closer to the top of Tyrol Chairlift, allowing for better access to Stowe Slope and Trail. (No more plodding across the top to get back to the lodge!) It will feature 7 towers, 88 chairs and a 200 horsepower electric motor.  The lift will be 1,956 feet in length from loading station to unloading station and will cover 492 vertical feet.

In addition, Seven Springs has added brand new HKD tower guns to kick off the 2021-2022 winter season.

The opening day for the resorts is expected to be announced soon.

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