Springdale parking problems cause outrage

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SPRINGDALE, Pa — Parking problems in Springdale are causing outrage after borough leaders say they changed parking rules because of safety concerns. The new restrictions are for “on and around” Pittsburgh Street.

Business owners and families believe the changes are allowing people to speed through town and are keeping customers from making purchases that keep the small businesses afloat.

The residents of Springdale are saying that the new yellow lines on their curbs are hurting business and creating safety issues. The borough recently limited parking to one side of the street on many of the main thoroughfares. Despite the fact that this move was intended to create safer streets, residents say it’s just allowing people to drive faster.


Harry Helwig walks Springdale each day and says the expanded driving space is giving people more room to hit the gas.

“I think they created a speedway here. It is not safe for the citizens of town,” Helwig said.

According to police, it only seems that way as most cars still drive below the speed limit. At Tuesday night’s borough meeting, money was set aside to buy a mobile electronic speed sign to remind people to drive 25 miles per hour.

“I haven't seen any problems yet, but I'm sure it is going to be a problem,” said Janet McRoberts, a Springdale customer.

the borough says it’s considering some changes; for instance, the parking restriction on Colfax Street will be shortened to open up parking in front of some of the homes.

Borough leaders are also looking at enforcing a one-hour daytime parking limit so there is always available parking.