U.S. Coast Guard & Auxiliary urge caution around dams

Two days after a kayaker died near the Dashields Lock & Dam, the U.S. Coast Guard and its civilian auxiliary volunteers are reminding boaters to be aware of dangerous conditions at dams, especially strong water currents.

RELATED: 1 dead, another missing after kayak accident on Ohio River

The Coast Guard said:

In addition to always wearing a life jacket, other boating safety tips from the Coast Guard and Auxiliary include the following:

  • People need to be careful with their vessel handling during high water flows especially after rains, when conditions can change rapidly.
  • Entering an area near a dam that was safe in low flows may put vessels at higher risk of an accident at these times.
  • Decreasing water temperatures at night will also limit the ability of a boat's crew and passengers to react and affect survival time should the vessel swamp or capsize.

RELATED: What we know about Helene Brandy, the kayaker still missing

  • Boat sober. Save "the party" afterward for the shore.
  • Tell somebody on land where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Test your vessel and make sure that all equipment is present and operable before launching.
  • Boat within your capabilities, given the conditions on the water.