SKYLIGHTS 2019 officially kicks off on August 30

Skylights 2019 Chaffin Luhana Generic

PITTSBURGH — Summer is almost over and that means the return to school and SKYLIGHTS!

Our Friday night high school football coverage officially kicks off at 11:15 p.m. on August 30. Chase Williams will host all the action along with Chris Carter from

Once again this year, we'll choose a big match-up for our Game of the Week.

There are several contests you can help decide. Each week, you'll be able to vote for your Band of the Week, the Player of the Week and nominate cheers for our Cheer of the Year competition.

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Don't forget about your coach! Later in the season, we'll hold our Coach of the Year contest.

We can't wait for you to join us Friday nights this fall for SKYLIGHTS!