AHN, Chrissy Teigen team up on new postpartum depression and anxiety initiative

PITTSBURGH — Allegheny Health Network is partnering with Chrissy Teigen on a new initiative focused on postpartum depression and anxiety.

AHN and Teigen made the announcement Thursday on NBC's "Today Show."

Teigen is a model, author, activist and social media influencer who has made her battle with postpartum depression very public on her social media channels. She’s partnering with AHN and its women’s health program “AHN Women” to launch #MyWishForMoms.

“When I was approached with this opportunity – to help be the voice for women experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety – I thought, ‘this is perfect!’. I’m grateful to be able to use the platform that I’ve been given to reduce the stigma that many women feel when talking about these very real and treatable conditions,” Teigen said in a news release. “I wish I had known that postpartum depression can happen to anyone because I didn’t think it could happen to me. Here I was, with my perfect little Luna and a supportive husband, yet I was truly struggling.”

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May is Maternal Mental Health month. Throughout the month, Teigen will ask moms to share what they wish they would have known about postpartum depression and anxiety using the hashtag #MyWishForMoms.


For more information on the warning signs of postpartum depression and anxiety as well as treatment options, you can visit http://www.mywishformoms.org/.

West Penn Hospital also has a new facility that offers postpartum therapy for new mothers. The Alexis Joy D'Achille Center for Perinatal Mental Health opened in December of 2018. It's named in honor of the young mother who took her own life just six weeks after giving birth to her daughter Adriana in 2013.

Channel 11 and Allegheny Health Network are also partnering in the AHN Health Series. Our focus this month is on women's health. You can learn more HERE.