Man sets fire to raccoon that ate his mangoes

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PALM BAY, Florida — A Florida man is accused of setting fire to a raccoon.

Ezra James said he did it to protect himself and his mangoes.

"88 years old, first time I ever have to go to jail. I never thought about killing nobody in my lifetime - no man, no woman, no kid," said James.

It was just a raccoon, protested James after posting his $2,000 bond. He then described his plans to kill the animal for eating his mangoes and to prevent it from biting him and giving him rabies.


"I throw some gasoline on him and light a match," said James.

The raccoon was in a metal trap in his front yard and he says a neighbor called the police on him. He's still pretty upset she did that.

"She's a wicked woman!" said James.

James is originally from Jamaica and says he did not know authorities would have humanely euthanized the raccoon.

When police arrived, James watched an officer shoot the raccoon to put it out of its misery.

"Two shot and kill the raccoon," said James.

He may now have to explain his actions to some disturbed neighbors.

"I never would have believed he would have done that," said Nancy Gill.