Zappala: I won't prosecute abortion seekers, providers if Roe v. Wade is overturned

With the future of Roe v. Wade in doubt as President Trump looks to fill the Supreme Court vacancy with a conservative voice, Stephen Zappala made it clear how he feels on Tuesday.

"I am pro-choice and do not feel that it is appropriate for government to legislate the choices that women make regarding their own bodies," the Allegheny County district attorney said in a statement. "Therefore, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, I will not prosecute any women, medical professionals or providers for the administration of safe, abortion services."

Zappala is a Democrat who has served as the county’s top law enforcement official for 20 years. His statement is sure to make waves as Congress and the country weight the merits of Trump choice Brett Kavanaugh as the newest justice on the nation’s top court.

“I am honored to continue that work on behalf of our mothers and daughters in service to the communities of Allegheny County,” Zappala said.