
An incredible photo of a hen followed by dozens of ducklings isn't quite what it seems

A June 27 photo provided by Brent Cizek shows a common merganser and a large group of ducklings following her, on Lake Bemidji in Bemidji, Minnesota. (Photo: Brent Cizek/ via AP)

A photo showing a female duck followed by upwards of 50 ducklings has sparked national and international attention, awe and a little confusion.




"Mom of the year" some have mused of the photo taken by wildlife photographer Brent Cizek on June 27 in on Lake Bemidji in Minnesota.

But the scene is better understood as an extreme example of duckling daycare, an expert says. And the mom leading the way? She might more accurately be described as a grandmother. Maybe a great-grandmother.

The ducks pictured in the photo — common merganser — are among a number of bird species that can care for their young in a "day care system" called a crèche, the New York Times reports. In a crèche, multiple females leave their offspring in the care of an experienced female.

The female duck leading the ducklings in the photo is likely the oldest — or one of the oldest — ducks on the lake, said Minnesota Department of Natural Resources area supervisor David Rave.

"She'd be kind of like the great-grandmother," Rave said. Most of the ducks on the lake are likely related, he said.


Last week, Cizek followed up with the group and saw the duck had added to her crew, bringing her total up to 76 ducklings, by his count.

That is an unusually large crèche, Rave said. “I've seen up to 40-50 in a crèche but I don't think ever seen 70 before."

Contributing: KARE-TV, Minneapolis-St. Paul; The Associated Press