
Ohio sets new execution day after failed try

Alva Campbell

LUCASVILLE, Ohio — LUCASVILLE, Ohio (AP) - Ohio's governor has set a new execution date that's a year and a half away for a condemned inmate whose poor veins spared him from death.

Republican Gov. John Kasich set a June 5, 2019, execution date for death row prisoner Alva Campbell as part of a formal reprieve issued Wednesday afternoon.

Ohio prisons director Gary Mohr called off Campbell's execution Wednesday morning after execution team members worked unsuccessfully for about 25 minutes to find usable veins.

Campbell's attorney David Stebbins says governors must include dates in such reprieves and he doesn't know the significance of the 2019 date other than it was free and in the near future.

Stebbins says the date gives Campbell's attorneys time to figure out their next steps.


The lawyer for a condemned Ohio inmate whose execution was called off says his client is happy to be alive.

Attorney David Stebbins said death row prisoner Alva Campbell called Wednesday a day he'll never forget.

Stebbins said he doesn't know what will happen next, but says Campbell's health problems and poor veins are a continuing problem.

Stebbins said execution team members stuck Campbell with needles twice in the right arm, once in the left and once in the right shin.

Stebbins said Campbell shook hands with execution team members and then wiped away tears after being informed the execution was being called off.

Campbell was due to be executed for a carjack killing of an 18-year-old in 1997.