
Penn Hills School District bans hoodies for upcoming school year

PENN HILLS — Students in the Penn Hills School District can no longer wear hoodies.

A post on the district website outlines a dress code change for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.

The district says the hood presents a safety concern and could also disrupt the educational process.

"That's the thing for all the kids, the sweatshirts. I don't see nothing wrong with it," said Jay Butler, a parent.

It says hoodie garments will not be permitted to be worn in grades Pre-K through 12 during the school day. Any student who wears a hoodie to school must take it off and put it in their backpack or locker.

student who wears a hoodie to school must take it off and put it in their backpack or locker.
"They need more structure and I think the uniforms and the no hoodies, that's a start," said Janet Salmon, a parent. 

Students who violate the new dress code policy may be disciplined, according to the district.

CLICK HERE to read the entire dress code policy change.

"They need to have a dress code like they do in Catholic schools. I think that would change a lot of things,” said Salmon.