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8-month-old puppy loses leg in suspected case of animal cruelty

MOON TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Police in Moon Township are investigating a suspected case of animal cruelty.

According to Chief Leo McCarthy, the dog owner’s boyfriend was upset with the 8-month-old puppy so he kicked it, breaking its leg.

“The boyfriend was rather angry because the dog had torn the house up a little, like dogs do sometimes,” McCarthy said. “Then he gave it an extremely powerful kick.”

The alleged abuse happened at a home in Mooncrest. Channel 11’s Renee Kaminski obtained cellphone video of the pit bull terrier after the puppy was removed from a home last Friday.


The dog, Jinx, was wagging its tail but its right rear leg is badly broken.

“He was whimpering, limping. His leg was dangling. He couldn’t walk very well,” said Jess Horvatin, who rescues a lot of abused animals.

She was so outraged by the cruelty, she recorded the cellphone video the make sure someone was held accountable.

“Just heartbreaking to see that someone could do that to an animal and just be OK with it,” she said.

Veterinarians removed the puppy’s leg. He’s now living in a new home.

McCarthy assured Channel 11 that animal-cruelty charges were pending. We aren’t reporting the name of the suspect until those charges are filed.

“What happened to that dog should not happen to any animal,” McCarthy said.

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