
Different rules could mean different care at urgent care centers

PITTSBURGH — With the rising cost of health care and the need for quick service, urgent care centers are booming across the country.

Fifty to 100 new private and hospital-affiliated centers open every year.

But, a Channel 11 investigation revealed, not every center is created equal.

Channel 11's Katherine Amenta found out what your family needs to be asking and why.


"You walk in and you want to know that you're in a safe place," said MedExpress patient and mother Kristin Becket.

Busy moms like Kristin Becket have started making urgent care centers their go-to for immediate medical care.

But, Channel 11 has uncovered that the industry has grown so quickly, regulations haven't caught up yet.

"It's a little difficult.  It's a little wild West," said Dr. Michael Martino, director of urgent care strategic development for Allegheny Health Network.

"There's not really a regulating body that will come in and say ... you're having trouble in this and this area and until you fix that up, we're not going to let you see patients," Martino said.

Martino very clearly points out, that doesn't mean urgent cares are unsafe -- it just means you have to do your research and find where the oversight does exist.

First, does a center have national accreditation from organizations like the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine or The Joint Commission?  It's a voluntary process based on regular inspections and performance.

Next, ask who is providing your care.  Dr. Thomas Pangburn, vice president of clinical and provider quality for MedExpress, says that's key.

"Do you have a full medical team?" Pangburn said this is a question you should ask.

Channel 11 learned that urgent cares are not required to have a doctor on site at all times, but it's strongly recommended by some experts.  Board certified nurses, physician assistants and doctors are also recommended, but again, not mandated.  And, while a radiologist is not required to read your xX-rays, they are the most qualified.

"That is very crucial. We have board-certified radiologists read all our X-rays," said Pangburn.

So what’s the doctor's advice?  Be informed and choose the best options for your family.

Both MedExpress and AGH's Suburban Urgent Care meet the standards laid out in this research.