
Officer stops speeding truck and saves woman having a heart attack

BLANCHARD, OKLAHOMA — A woman suffering a serious heart attack in Oklahoma was saved by a police officer early Monday morning and the roadside rescue was caught on camera.

The woman's husband and daughter were rushing her to the hospital and their high speed caught the attention of an officer who pulled them over.

Tina Costello started having severe chest pains, and her husband and daughter attempted to rush her to the hospital.

Their high speeds caught an officer’s attention, and he pulled them over.

Before Blanchard Police Officer Jordan Jones even came to a stop, the driver, Jeff Litty, jumped out.

On dash-cam video, you can hear Litty saying "My wife's having a heart attack."

"I immediately call for first responders," Jones said.

He hurried to the truck to find the woman unresponsive.

"I was just in panic. Her face was purple," Litty said.

"At that time, you don't have a lot of time to get CPR going," Jones said.

The two pulled Tina out of the truck and quickly started CPR.

"Went through about three sets all together," Jones said.

Finally, she began breathing.

Days after the event, Jones had only heard Tina was in stable condition.

She had a heart attack that was so severe only about 10 percent of people survive it.

Days after the nearly fatal attack, she woke up.

"Without question, for me, it was the happiest day of my life," Litty cried.

"I was sleeping, and then I heard 'She's awake,'" said Briteny Costello, her daughter.

4 first brought the news to Jones.

"It looks like she's going to make a full recovery, because of the quick way you administered CPR," Litty told Jones over the phone. "You definitely saved her and her mental capacities, as well.”

"That's the first time it's ever been, l've truly saved somebody's life," Jones cried. "It was a blessing from the Lord, right place, right time and just knowing how to respond.”

Timing was vital.

When the family got pulled over, they still had a 20 minute drive to the hospital.

Doctors said Tina probably would not have survived that drive, and CPR was delivered just in time.

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