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Pittsburgh wedding venue closes, shocking local couples

PITTSBURGH — It’s not what you want to hear a week before your wedding day.

“My friend called me yesterday and I’m thinking it’s exciting news about the wedding. and she’s in tears,” said Tess Reash.

Reash was preparing to be a bridesmaid in her friend’s wedding at the Morning Glory Inn in the South Side this Saturday but on Monday, she learned the big day is canceled.

“Her wedding venue, by email, reached out to her telling her they no longer were going to be operating as a business and they could not hold her wedding that was supposed to be this weekend,” said Reash.

On Facebook, a handful of Morning Glory Inn couples said although they heard rumors that the inn shut down, they were never formally notified.

“Businesses go through things, but I feel like they know about this a lot longer than they lead on, to the point where they took their final deposit last week,” said Reash.

Reash said the wedding that was meant for nearly 100 guests will have to change locations and dates, but the money and deposits that went to the venue are in limbo.

So what should you do if you’re a Morning Glory Inn couple?

Craig Kimmel, a consumer lawyer, said legal action doesn’t guarantee anything.

“Under the bankruptcy law, once a company files, they get protection from creditors or people who are customers who have money with that company that has been placed with them,” Kimmel said. “So it’s really up to the court, the trustee and bankruptcy to determine how that money, any money that’s left, will be distributed.”

Kimmel also suggests if you contract with any venue for a wedding, there are three things you should do.

  • Get a contract in writing that specifically identifies what happens to your money.
  • Check to see if there is a policy of insurance in the event the business closes and you need your deposit back.
  • Get the name of the person who can be contacted if you need to file a claim.

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