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First cat in Pennsylvania tests positive for COVID-19

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A cat in Pennsylvania has tested positive for COVID-19, making it the first in the state, officials announced Tuesday.

The 16-year-old cat in Cumberland County lived in a house with multiple people who had previously been diagnosed with COVID-19. The cat showed signs of mild respiratory illness in early October.

As a result of respiratory distress, the cat was humanely euthanized, officials said.

A primary cause of death has not been confirmed.

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The case remains under investigation.

“The Pennsylvania cat is one of a handful of COVID-19 positive pets from across the United States that died or were euthanized while infected. All pets infected had known prolonged exposure to COVID-19 individuals and none to date appear to have died from COVID-19. Instead, other serious underlying illnesses are attributable to cause of death,” a news release said.

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