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PPS reopening school campuses, only 800 students returning

PITTSBURGH — We are learning how Pittsburgh Public Schools are preparing to reopen their school campuses.

On Monday, a select group of students will return – following weeks of virtual learning.

Since March, schools have been closed to in-person learning to keep students and staff safe due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the district, 800 students out of 23,000 will be welcomed back.

Students with special needs and those who are considered medically fragile will be the first to return.

Those who are in the process of learning English will also return campus.The district is following CDC guidelines, which include social distancing and the use of face masks.

“Safety comes first. That’s what we have to go by right now. It’s unfortunate, but we are doing the best we can under the current circumstances. Please bear with us. Hopefully, we will get a vaccine soon, and we can go back to a bit of normalcy. But, if not – we are doing the best we can to educate our students,” said Dr. Anthony Hamlet, superintendent of Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Most students will continue to learn virtually until at least January.

Pittsburgh Public Schools have handed out more than 16,000 devices, such as laptops and tablets, to students who did not have access to these.

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