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Presidential race between President Trump, Biden tightens in Pennsylvania, poll says

The Presidential race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden is tightening in Pennsylvania, according to the latest Monmouth University Poll.

Biden holds a 4-point lead over Trump among all registered voters in Pennsylvania, according to the poll.

The race is a tight 1 to 3 points, the poll finds, depending on the expected turnout level.

The poll cites declining support for Biden among men, voters under age 50 and voters in key swing counties as the reason for the shift from Biden’s larger lead just over six weeks ago.

The race now stands at 49% for Biden and 45% for Trump among all registered voters, according to the poll.

“This is really a game of inches. The Trump campaign is looking to peel off a little bit of Biden support here and a little bit there. It may be working, despite the fact that Pennsylvania voters personally like the Democrat more, although this gap has narrowed,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

Biden now has a 48% favorable to 46% unfavorable rating, compared to mid-july when he had a 45% favorable to 47% unfavorable rating, according to the poll. Pennsylvania voters have a 44% favorable to 51% unfavorable opinion of trump, where in July his rating was 40% favorable to 54% unfavorable.

Click here to read more from the Monmouth University Poll.

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