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Study: How much would a hyperloop ticket cost in Pittsburgh?

PITTSBURGH — $300 billion in economic benefits and CO2 emissions reduced by 4 million tons: those are among the findings released from a study looking at a hyperloop connection between Pittsburgh, Columbus and Chicago.

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The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission released the findings of the study Friday. It looked at possible routes, costs, engineering issues, public right of ways, environmental impact, potential ridership volume and other metrics.

The study found the hyperloop could transport people from Chicago to Columbus in under 45 minutes and cost about $60 per ticket. Columbus to Pittsburgh could take less than 30 minutes for a ticket price of about $33.

PHOTOS: Virgin Hyperloop One at Ohio Statehouse

“The main takeaway is that hyperloop technology is, indeed, feasible along this route,” said Thea Ewing, transportation and infrastructure development director at MORPC.

Hyperloop technology uses pods inside a tube to transport people at speeds of more than 700 mph.

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